Why do I always have bad luck with money?
Do you say that a lot?
Sometimes, Do you feel like you can’t get ahead no matter what you do?
Do you feel like there’s not enough money coming in or that it goes out as fast as it comes in?
Have you noticed that you’ve recently had a lot of bad luck with money?
In western feng shui, we believe that you make your own luck. One way to do this is to make your home full of good energy, especially in the feng shui prosperity corner.
In feng shui, some things have good energy and some things have bad energy.
If you feel like you don’t have much luck with money, you might want to move some unlucky things out of your home’s wealth corner to make it more money-friendly.
This will help get rid of the bad energy and bring in more good money energy!
Before we get to the list of things that are bad for your money, let’s talk about your home’s feng shui prosperity corner.
The bagua says that your home is made up of 9 areas that represent different parts of your life.
When you stand at your front door and look inside, the far back left corner of your home is the feng shui prosperity area. (Click here to find out more about the feng shui bagua map and how to use it in your home.)
Now that you know where the feng shui prosperity corner is in your home, you can put the following things somewhere else.
Here are 9 items you shouldn’t keep in your feng shui money section.
1: Wastebaskets!

Most of us probably don’t even think about where we put our trash cans.
If you keep your trash cans in the area where you keep your money, that could be bad luck.
In feng shui, trash is a sign of bad energy because it is made up of old, used things that need to be thrown away.
Plus, it often overflows, smells bad, is messy, and is a pain to deal with.
You don’t want that energy in any part of your home, but especially not in your wealth area if you’ve had bad luck with money.
What should you do if the trash cans won’t move?
You need to clean and organise them as much as possible!
Make sure the trash cans have lids, the trash doesn’t overflow, and you take the trash out often.
Make sure there is no trash around the trash cans. Don’t let it pile up and make you feel bad!
And that goes for all the trash cans in your house, not just the ones in the money room.
2: clutter

Clutter is made up of things we don’t know what to do with, decisions we haven’t made, and energy that isn’t moving.
Think about how you feel when you open that closet full of things you know you need to go through. You don’t like it, right?
Clutter holds on to that energy, which is why it can be so hard to deal with.
This is also why someone else can come in and make quick decisions: they don’t have the same emotional connection to the items as you do.
If you have a lot of stuff in your home’s wealth area, it can definitely change the energy in that space.
Take some time to get rid of everything, because it all matters.
Even clutter in cabinets and closets needs to go if you want to get rid of bad money energy and make room for new money.
3: Paperwork about money that shows debt or old ways of handling money that you want to change.

Do you keep old receipts, bank statements, credit card statements, other debt statements, or bill statements in your money area?
My home has a small office in the money area, and when I first started working with feng shui, I realised that keeping old financial statements in this area adds to the feeling of old money history.
I moved that paperwork to a different part of my house as the first thing I did.
When you’re trying to change your money story, it’s not a good idea to keep that old stuff around. Every time you look at it, it will remind you of that energy.
Here are some ways to store that paper: make digital copies and throw away the paper ones (if possible.)
Make sure to throw away old bills and receipts after the date the IRS says you should.
And throw away old bills once you’ve paid them.
If you do want to keep your bills in your money area, I suggest doing a money ritual that shows those bills are paid.
Write your intention statement and keep it on top of the bills you’re trying to pay right now.
Tell the Universe that you want that money to come to you quickly and easily.
You can even make a folder or binder that is just for your money goals. Everything that goes into that binder is already paid for.
Set your goals, and then watch the Universe work its magic.
4: Dirt/Grime/Dirty Windows/Dust.

Keep your money area clean and tidy!
Make sure to clean the floors, the baseboards, and the windows.
Every time you clean your money area, tell yourself that you are giving your money new, fresh energy.
In feng shui, windows are also very important because they show how you see the world, how you see yourself, and how you see new ideas and opportunities.
You should clean them well a few times a year, if you can, so that the fresh fire energy can enter your space and burn off the old, stale energy.
It’s also a good idea to open them a few times a month to get rid of old, bad energy.
Sweeping, dusting, and cleaning are all ways to get rid of the old so that the new can come in.
We all know that we should keep our homes clean, but from an energetic point of view, areas that aren’t taken care of are like parts of your life that aren’t taken care of.
So, if you want to get new, lucky money, clean your house on purpose and see what happens.
5: Plants that are dying.

Don’t put hospitals where your money is!
When you’re trying to bring in good money luck, you don’t want a plant in that area that you have to keep alive.
(Even if you think that’s a sign about your finances, it COULD be one of the reasons why the plant isn’t doing well in that area to begin with!)
Remove the dead or dying plants from the money area and replace them with a new plant that is growing.
6: Broken things, projects that aren’t finished, and faucets that leak.

Anything that is broken should be fixed as soon as possible, and your money area should not become a graveyard for broken things.
Broken things show that you haven’t had time to take care of things, and they also show that you haven’t been taking care of yourself or your home.
Getting rid of them as soon as possible is always good feng shui, but it’s especially important if you don’t want to be broke!
The same goes for projects that aren’t finished. If you’re working on something and keep putting it off, either throw it away, finish it, or put it away!
Don’t leave the energy unfinished for months. It keeps the Chi from moving, and every time you see it, it makes you angry.
Leaks mean that money is leaking out of your home, so if you find a leak, fix it as soon as you can.
And if you have a toilet in your money area, close the lid when you aren’t using it.
7: Things that upset you.

It’s time to deal with the things you’re holding on to that make you feel frustrated, stuck, annoyed, sad, or otherwise unhappy every time you look at them.
Don’t put them in your feng shui prosperity corner if you have to keep them.
It’s a lot like the energy of clutter. Every time you look at something negatively, that negative energy stays in that area of your home.
You don’t want anything bad in the money area of your home if you want to get richer and have more money luck.
That old energy that is stuck has to go!
Just one more tip: try to keep only things in your home that you love. Your home should be a place where you can relax and feel safe, not a place where you keep things you don’t like or that make you unhappy.
Allow yourself to move on from those things! Don’t keep things just because someone gave them to you, you paid money for them, or you’ll feel bad about yourself if you get rid of them.
Give these things a new purpose. Let go of how you feel about them and give them to someone else who might really enjoy them.
8 : Speaking of old things and old energy, don’t keep things in your money area that remind you of old parts of your life that don’t have anything to do with where you want to go.

This goes for old pictures, old clothes, things you want to give away, and old furniture you don’t use — anything you wouldn’t buy today, wear today, or want to look at today!
You can put away old pictures and replace them with new, fresh ones that show where you’re going in life, not where you’ve been. You can also give away old clothes and fix up old furniture.
Don’t hold on to old ideas of who you are, especially if you’re trying to build a new, rich, energetic life.
9 : A lot of red or colours that look like fire. In feng shui, colours like red, orange, and bright purple stand for fire energy.

A little fire is GOOD for making new things grow and getting new energy going. But a LOT of red means that the fire is getting out of hand and that your money is going up in smoke.
Keeping a lot of candles or even light bulbs in this area is the same way. One or two is fine, but more than that can be too exciting and cause too much chaos.
We want calm, positive energy in our money areas, not fast, chaotic energy.
Extra feng shui tip for when money isn’t going well:
Every part of your home and life has something to do with every other part.
Your money area isn’t just there by itself, just like your money isn’t just there by itself.
If you’ve been working on your home’s wealth area but aren’t getting the results you want, it’s time to look elsewhere to see what else is out of balance.
It’s also important to remember that sometimes unlucky money energy comes from old patterns and situations that you’re now having to deal with. It’s not because of what you’re doing RIGHT NOW.
So change the way you think about money and let yourself off the hook for things you did wrong in the past.
Sometimes the bad luck stays around just because we think we’re bad luck.
Use these feng shui tips for money and wealth to help you see yourself in a new way. Show yourself that you are different, and your money will treat you differently.
There are various stones that help you to enhance your life and also attract money. These stones you can wear as a ring, bracelet, or any other form. For more information, you can see the blogs below.
Pyrite Crystal: https://easyvasstu.com/pyrite-crystal-benefits-to-enhance-life/
Sunstone Crystal: https://easyvasstu.com/sunstone-crystal-to-attain-fame-and-recognition-in-life/
Rose Quartz: https://easyvasstu.com/benefits-of-rose-quarts-rose-quarts-for-love-relationships/
Citrine Crystal: https://easyvasstu.com/benefits-of-citrine-crystal/
Pendant: https://easyvasstu.com/product/amethyst-pendant/
AMETHYST Crystal: https://easyvasstu.com/product/amethyst-crystal/
AMETHYST Bracelet 8mm Beads (standard size): https://easyvasstu.com/product/amethyst-bracelet/
Black Tourmaline pendant: https://easyvasstu.com/product/black-tourmaline-crystal-pendant/
Tourmaline Tower: https://easyvasstu.com/product/black-tourmaline-tower/
Selenite Crystal pendant: https://easyvasstu.com/product/selenite-crystal-pendant/
Bracelet (standard size) of Selenite: https://easyvasstu.com/product/selenite-bracelet/
Bracelet of Rose Quartz:- https://easyvasstu.com/product/rose-quarts-brac…mm-standard-size/
Heart Shape Rose Quartz:- https://easyvasstu.com/product/rose-quarts-heart-shape/
Ducks of Rose Quartz:- https://easyvasstu.com/product/rose-quartz-ducks/
Tumbles of Citrine Crystal :- https://easyvasstu.com/product/citrine-crystal-tumbles/
Citrine Crystal Tree:- https://easyvasstu.com/product/citrine-crystal-tree/
Citrine Bracelet (Standard Size):- https://easyvasstu.com/product/citrine-bracelet/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCux9hwsBA6Uw02rJfvPveiA
Instagram: https://instagram.com/easyvasstu9?utm_medium=copy_link
You can also buy from Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/easyvasstucrystalsz/
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