Selenite Crystal | Best crystal for Mental clarity

selenite crystal

What is selenite crystal?

Selenite crystal is translucent white nature symbolizes spiritual purity, light, and a link to the celestial realms. It is considered to be one of the most sacred stones in history.

The word ‘Selenite’ comes from the Greek goddess Selene, who is also known as the goddess of the moon. It’s also known as the Desert Rose, Maria Glass, or Satin Spar. But that is merely the literal meaning of Selenite; it also has significant spiritual significance.

When it comes to clearing and cleansing the home or business area, selenite is a popular crystal. It clears bad energy, improves focus, and generates a sense of serenity in any environment. We might begin to feel our problems and concerns slip away as we become conscious of the energy of Selenite.

We start to feel calmer and more at ease. Selenite, like the moon shining brightly above us at night, provides pure white light when we are confronted with any of life’s challenges.

selenite crystal

Mineral Information

Origin: Worldwide, notably Brazil and Morocco

Mineral Species: Gypsum

Mineral Group: Sulphates

Chemical Formula: CaSO4.2H2O

Hardness: 2

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Colour: Colourless to white.

Typical Appearance: Crystals tabular, prismatic or acicular. As well as granular and fibrous lumps (Satin Spar).

Benefits of selenite Crystal

The white colour of Selenite draws your attention right away. This colour is ideal for a stone associated with mental clarity. When there are ample thoughts in your mind it starts to damage your sense of peace and calm, where you might need Selenite crystals. We begin to release the energies that are contributing to spiritual blockages and return to wholeness by meditating with Selenite during stress, discomfort, and suffering.

Selenite is an excellent stone to have if you want to calm your mind and gain mental clarity. It’s also a wonderful stone to keep on hand if you’re worried about psychic attacks. People have a way of instilling negative ideas, thoughts, and perceptions in your mind, having Selenite around will help cleanse your mind of all this negativity.

Selenite has a beautiful grounding effect in terms of colour and feel. This aids in bringing your focus and attention to the present moment. If you’re easily distracted or have trouble focusing on just one thing at a time, Selenite and its energies could be just what you need.

Selenite can erase any fuzziness or mental fog that surrounds psychic insights or visions gained during meditation, in addition to sharpness and presence of mind. Also, it has numerous advantages. It might assist you not only to balance and stabilize your body but also to balance your emotions. While Selenite crystal is a stone with a high level of sensitivity. It functions similarly to a liquid light, shining from this world to the upper worlds and back.

Mental and Emotional Healing properties

  • Selenite which is sweeter than honey and milk goes to work right immediately, assisting you in shedding those tensions and worries that often weigh you down.
  • This is a stone that aspires to be light, to fly, and to be free of any anchors or ties that come from catastrophic thinking.
  • Selenite begins by assisting you in unburdening yourself by thinking with crystal-clear clarity in order to help you liberate yourself from these tangled ideas.
  • It assists you in becoming aware of your surroundings and providing immaculate judgment, healthy insight so that you may work carefully with your soul to make the best judgments possible.
  • It’s a stone that encourages you to be openly honest, pure, free as well as to forgive situations that no longer serve you.
  • Selenite assists you in doing the emotional process of letting go so that you can rise up to your full potential.

Physical healing properties

Selenite is more than just a protective stone that repels evil energies. With the healing energies it carries, it can also heal your body.

It can, for example, be used to treat skeletal-related health issues such as arthritis.

Keep a Selenite near your body every day if you’re having trouble getting pregnant. This can help you have a better probability of conceiving.

When you don’t feel energetic enough, or if you’re fatigued and lethargic, Selenite can assist clean the glands in your body and provide you with the energy you require.

It has the ability to clear blockages in your energy fields and rid your body of unwanted energies. It removes all impurities from your aura that harm your physical body.

Those that incorporate Selenite into their lives will notice that it provides a new level of physical flexibility. Selenite is supposed to aid in the alignment of the spine and to repair or at least assist with skeletal abnormalities. Selenite’s light-bringing moods work to counteract free radical damage in cell structure, keeping your skin, hair, and eyes clear and bright and bathed in young dewy energy.

Tip:-if anyone facing a lot of health, mental or emotional problems, just keep selenite crystal egg or plum shape and keep under your mattress as if (both sides on your head..and both sides near feet) if you are fully covered by selenite Crystal.

Metaphysical healing properties

  1. Selenite crystal shines brightest in the metaphysical realm, and it is a stone that lives up to its name as an exquisitely angelic stone.
  2. This is a powerful instrument for releasing energy obstacles that prevent you from living in your full, flowing flow.
  3. Selenite, which works closely with the higher chakras such as the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.
  4. It maintains light and energy flowing so that you are cracked wide open and always ready to accept the messages the universe has to offer.
  5. It’s no surprise that Selenite begins its healing job on the Heart Chakra.

The energy cannot travel to the upper chakras unless the Heart Chakra is healthy and open. We are filled with compassion and love when our hearts are light and open, and we trust in the messages that may come from higher realms. Selenite is a sublime spirit guide, as well as an important instrument in reiki and for aura cleansing. It is supposed to assist you in not only communicating with angelic realms, but also in delving into former lifetimes, activating psychic skills, releasing all types of unpleasant beings, and assisting you in moving into other states of awareness.

Where to keep it? and how to use it?

Selenite is perfect for the bedroom, for a calm and relaxing environment. You can place it by your bedside or windowsill so that the air that flows into the room can spread the energies of this stone. Or honestly, you can keep it wherever you want peaceful office, hall, etc.

You can buy Selenite crystal here:

Pendant of Selenite Crystal:

Plum shape Selenite Crystal:

Bracelet (standard size) of Selenite:

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