Tag: crystal

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top 5 best and most powerful crystals for Confidence

The crystals for confidence is can help you whether you need to take a giant leap in your self-esteem or if you just need a little confidence boost to get to the next level. Confidence is a fickle beast similarly sometimes we have it, sometimes we don’t, and sometimes we just need a good shake...

selenite crystal

Selenite Crystal | Best crystal for Mental clarity

What is selenite crystal? Selenite crystal is translucent white nature symbolizes spiritual purity, light, and a link to the celestial realms. It is considered to be one of the most sacred stones in history. The word ‘Selenite’ comes from the Greek goddess Selene, who is also known as the goddess of the moon. It’s also...

Benefits of Citrine Crystal

Benefits of Citrine Crystal

What is Citrine Crystal? Citrine is yellow quartz that has long been associated with sun healing properties. However, it can also be greenish-yellow, brownish-yellow, or orange. The mineral is frequently found in association with amethyst, but it is far less common than its purple cousin. Indeed, citrine crystal is made by heat-treating amethyst. Similar to...

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