Weekly Love Horoscope |Free Tarot Readings on Love | 11th-17th November 2019 – kindly find below love readings.

take care of your mood swings this week..you might be in a confused/disturbed stage regarding relationships..may be something you feel is hidden by your partner ..give yourself and your partner some space this week!! You will be more emotional than practical this week..the energies are intense / true and loving this week..whatever you will say will be very deep and true from your heart..if want to communicate any issue with your partner ..can be discussed with calm energy to resolve ..chances are high your intuition and honesty will be felt by your partner.
Missing your partner..or even if you are in the established relationship might miss the spark you guys used to have in the beginning!!!its ohkay this week is all about realising the truth and accepting it …its an healing week..generally through this time there is no need to tell anybody else how you feel..only you can feel these intense emotions …let them come and go..don’t worry about how let this feeling thoughts go away about your partner …let them be for time being ..you will overcome this soon !!
You will feel very confident/attractive about yourself this week!!! Energy & thoughts are clear for you this week…your energy will be more on work side…rather than emotions…no intense disturbing emotions are seen in this week..its a very stable week for you …enjoy it!!you know what you want in relationship..and will not be easily effected by others in this week!!
This week will be very gentle/nourishing and positive for you..accept love from others..it could be partner,family,friends…or would advice to be more gentle towards yourself this week…in this will experience strong bond and commitment if in established relationship…if planning for conceiving this card is one the best signal that your wish will come true soon..
This week energies in terms of love/relationships are little intense and heavy…it could mean that you and your partner are not talking on positive terms( talking less/you are your partner is giving cold behaviour)..going through some rough patch …this week avoid arguments or discussion of problems this week..this is the time to handle things slowly and gradually !! Try to understand situation and eachother’s perspective…this card says if you feel may be it was your fault ..can apologise as well!
My dear virgo…relationships are going through some struggles…you are deep pain right now ..you don’t feel any hope or positivity at this time..this is not the time to make an effort for relationship or make another person understand…this is the time to take care of yourself!!!! I repeat take care of yourself/ your emotions…because at this time may be other person won’t be able to support or understand you..apart from that if in establishment relationships…there might be minor issues but will resolve automatically!!!!
Weekly Love Horoscope |Free Tarot Readings on Love | 11th-17th November 2019
There has been some disturbances in relationships…whatever is happening currently in your love life…is not what you wanted or expected!!!! During this time we normally suggest to have patience…you need to believe in your relationships and partner and let this phase pass by …of struggles and disturbance!!…don’t think too much about making big decisions this week regarding your relationships
Good energy is seen in terms of relationships..there is honesty ..there is commitment…may be you want all this or you are experiencing this if in relationship…you and your partner are set to take your relationships to next level..but of course some family issue might be present as well..which should hopefully resolve by itself…this week your relationships might also include energies and expectation/religion of each other family members as well!!
This week might experience being confused about relationships to take it further or wait for sometime…your emotions are intense snd deep in this week…your intuition power will be high or you can say gut feeling ….Use that for your highest good..this week all your actions will be based on emotions..this if not in talking terms with your partner..might get into the feeling of calling them immediately and sort things out…try to keep your emotions/mood swings in balance this week…
You are done with emotions…you don’t feel like talking to anyone..i think this same energy was seen in my monthly love readings for Capricorn as well…but this week you will mostly like to stay alone ..or leave your current place and stay somewhere else..even its for one night …you are very dissatisfied with your daily routine and responsibilities..this week its about understanding yourself regarding what you want …!! Take your time to understand what is that will make you happy and smile again..!!
This week you might feel insecure in relationships…may be its due to lack of attention from your partner/ lack of commitment…or feeling like you are in relationships where there is strong attachment but no commitment..and this lack commitment could be due to multiple reasons from your side or partner’s …kindly don’t blame them this week for that …this week avoid big decision making regarding relationships..may times Aquarius its seen..that your partner might come and talk to you after fight ..but will not apologise genuinely..and that disturbs you again as well..be mindful of that ..take care
or feeling like you are in relationships where there is strong attachment but no commitment..and this lack commitment could be due to multiple reasons from your side or partner’s …kindly don’t blame them this week for that …this week avoid big decision making regarding relationships..may times Aquarius its seen..that your partner might come and talk to you after fight ..but will not apologise genuinely..and that disturbs you again as well..be mindful of that ..take care
or feeling like you are in relationships where there is strong attachment but no commitment..and this lack commitment could be due to multiple reasons from your side or partner’s …kindly don’t blame them this week for that …this week avoid big decision making regarding relationships..may times Aquarius its seen..that your partner might come and talk to you after fight ..but will not apologise genuinely..and that disturbs you again as well..be mindful of that ..take care
Love yourself/spend time with yourself..if single chances are high you are attracted to someone..there is new love energy that you are experiencing..if any minor issues are going on ..chances are high they might get resolved this week.. This is a time when you can both renew the romance in the relationship by returning in your actions to the early days of your connection when you were very much in love and every day was a new joy…..pisces you will feel much more stable in terms of relationship this week!!
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