Using feng shui to move forward

Using feng shui to move forward

Using feng shui to unstick yourself

Feng Shui

Feeling irritated because life is going as you want?

Things seem stagnant or slow?

Are you fatigued and eager for a new start?

If so, Feng Shui may be holding you back.

Feng Shui helps promote healthier energy flow in your home.

Chi is Feng Shui’s energy flow.

Chi is vitality.

Over time, your home’s life-force energy can stagnate and decay.

Feng Shui helps you replace old, stagnant energy with new, fresh, energetic energy.

If you’re stuck, your home’s Feng Shui energy flow could be improved.

In fact, it could suggest the feng Shui energy flow is blocked someplace in your property.

The stagnant energy in your home spreads throughout your life, making the situation worse.

Here are 8 ways feng shui can help you get unstuck.

Move 27 items.

When goods aren’t used, relocated, or cleaned, energy stagnates.

Dust and energy accumulate!

To release blocked energy, shift 27 things.

Moving 27 objects will stir up the Chi in feng shui (2+7=9).

Deliberately relocating 27 things can help you manifest a new career, a new relationship, more money, a new baby, a new home, etc.

Even trash mail counts as 27 things.

The more stuff you move, the more Chi energy you’ll activate.

You can relocate the items, clean and dust them, or get rid of them.

Set the intention before you start that you’re moving/cleaning/getting rid of objects to accelerate your manifestations.

Clean under the furniture(feng shui)

Clean under the furniture

Under furniture is another place in your home where stuck energy likes to hide.

Most of us don’t often dust, vacuum, or mop under our furniture, so dust, dirt, and energy get stuck there.

If you haven’t done it in a while and you’re feeling sad, frustrated, or like things aren’t going your way, it’s time to move the furniture and get to work!

This will not only help clear the air, but it will also make the whole room feel new.

Take a look at the bagua(feng shui)

The bagua is the feng shui energy map of your home. It shows you how different parts of your home affect different parts of your life.

If you’re trying to bring something into your life but it’s not happening, the bagua can help you figure out which part of your home you need to work on.

For example, if you want to find a new partner, you would want to focus on your bedroom and the relationship area of the bagua.

De-clutter, move things, clean very well, and use other feng shui cures in that area to help move the energy that’s stuck there.

If you want to get a promotion at work, you should think about your career, your front door, and maybe travel or people who help you.

 Wash the windows(feng shui)

clean windows feng shui

Windows show how you see the world and how other people see you.

If your windows are dirty, you might not be able to see new opportunities when they come your way. This is one way you could be blocking manifestation.

When you clean your windows, you’ll get a new view and a clean slate.

Windows also let fire energy into your home. Fire energy is energising and cleansing, and it speeds up your ability to manifest.

If you clean your windows with a little salt, vinegar, and lemon juice, your manifesting energy will really go off the charts!

 Do a powerful ritual of smudging(feng shui)

feng shui

I like to do a smudging ritual all over my house when I feel stuck and confused or don’t know what to do next.

Smudging gets rid of old, negative energy and fills the air with negative ions, which actually makes the air and energy in your home more positive.

I smudge ANY TIME I feel like things are stuck, someone is sick in my house, there are a lot of fights or negative things going on, or things just feel “off.”

Smudging gets rid of these bad feelings, making room for good energy to fill your home.

 Clean your front door and give your doormat a good shake(feng shui)

Washing the front door is one of the more “woo-woo” things in feng shui that many people don’t do in “normal” life.

Your front door is where energy comes into your home, so it’s a great place to start if you want to bring in new energy and new manifestations or get things moving in the right direction.

With water, a little bit of dish soap, and a pinch of salt, you can clean your front door.

This cleans the energy and gets rid of any built-up dirt or grime.

Also, give your doormat a good shake and clean the dirt off your door.

Stuck-up dirt is like stuck energy, and it keeps new, fresh energy from coming into your home.

If you’re really trying to bring something new into your life and it’s not happening quickly, wash your front door at least once a week to show the Universe you’re ready for new energy!

Check your rearview mirror(feng shui)

In feng shui, mirrors not only double what they reflect, which means that both the good and bad energy is doubled, but they also show how we see ourselves.

If your mirrors are dirty, they reflect that energy and not only make it more negative, but they also distort it so we can’t see things clearly.

Check your mirrors if you’re feeling foggy-headed, sad, negative, and like nothing you do to move your life forward is working.

How do they show something?

mirrors in your dining room that show your table, but your table is always full of dirty clothes or junk mail?

Do you have a mirror right across from your front door to reflect the energy that comes in?

your bathroom or front door mirrors look dirty?

My dining room, which is also my wealth area, has a mirror. When I want more money to come into my life, I make sure that mirror is clean, not blocked by anything, and sending good energy into my home.

Take stock of every mirror in your home, and you might find that whichever part of your life feels stuck, there might be a mirror in that area of the bagua that needs to be cleaned or an area that needs to be cleaned so that the reflection is clear and bright.

Check your mirrors if you’re feeling foggy-headed, sad, negative, and like nothing you do to move your life forward is working.

How do they show something?

you have mirrors in your dining room that show your table, but your table is always full of dirty clothes or junk mail?

Do you have a mirror right across from your front door to reflect the energy that comes in?

bathroom or front door mirrors look dirty?

My dining room, which is also my wealth area, has a mirror. When I want to bring more money into my life, I make sure that mirror is clean, not blocked by anything, and sending good energy into my home.

Take stock of every mirror in your home, and you might find that whichever part of your life feels stuck, there might be a mirror in that area of the bagua that needs to be cleaned, or the area needs to be cleaned, so that the reflection is clear and bright.

Here are some ideas you can use to make your own energy flow, get stuck energy out of your body, and get ready for new manifestations:

  • 10 minutes of music and dancing
  • Clear your aura by smudging yourself.
  • Meditate for 10 minutes
  • Walk, do yoga, or do a hard workout.
  • Meditations or mantras that are good for you can be found on YouTube.
  • Drink a glass of lemon water to stay hydrated and clear your energy.
  • Take a bath in epsom salt to get rid of negative energy.
  • Take a shower and think about the light shower. (Take a shower, and as the water washes over you, imagine it washing away all the bad, stuck energy down the drain. Then picture yourself being surrounded by golden light that makes you feel good and brings you what you want.
  • Write down 100 things you could do to help you get what you want. (Write down 100 ideas that could get you closer to what you want. Write everything down, even if it sounds silly or won’t work. The idea is to get people excited with new ideas!)
  • If you’re feeling really sad or angry, hit a pillow or yell to get that energy out of your body.
  • Ground yourself and your energy by going outside and putting your feet in the grass or dirt. Think of the bad energy going down through your feet and into the ground. Then picture new energy coming up from the earth and filling your body with healing, lively energy.

If you’re really stuck, the best way to get your energy moving again is to just pick something and do it!

Even if you don’t think it will help, there’s nothing to lose by giving it a shot!

How does the energy flow in your home work with feng shui?

Chi flows through your home like this: from the street, up to your house, through your front door, and then through the rest of your house.

You want Chi energy to flow freely from the street to your front door.

This means that anything that gets in the way of that energy can make fresh energy get stuck and almost completely miss your home.

(Remember that this is for a home where you are in charge of the environment. If you live in an apartment or condo, focus on the area right outside your front door.

  • Things to look out for that could stop the flow of chi energy in feng shui:
  • Big bushes or trees in front of the door.
  • There were things on the door.
  • Ill or dead plants.

Once the Chi energy is inside your home, it goes everywhere.

If you have a big window, a glass door right across from the front door, a mirror that reflects the front door, or a staircase right inside the front door, energy can sometimes flow right out the back, reflect right back outside, or go up or down the stairs.

This can make the main floor seem boring or disoriented.

In this case, a feng shui cure for energy would be to hang a feng shui crystal from the ceiling to spread energy, put a plant in front of the stairs or a large window (or a window covering), move the mirror so that it’s not directly across from the front door, or use an attractive piece of art somewhere in the entry to draw Chi energy into your main floor.

Walk through your home if you want to see how the Chi flows there.

Start by walking through the front door.

  • Is there anything in the way when you try to get in?
  • Do you see anything that’s dirty, broken, or needs to be fixed?
  • Can you walk through your door without hitting anything?

Walk through your house as if you had never seen it before.

Is the layout logical?

  • Can you walk through each room, or do things get in the way?
  • Are there things blocking the doorways or big pieces of furniture that make it hard to move around?

It’s easy to understand how feng shui energy flows in your home.

Think about how water or wind would move through your house.

Chi energy would do the same thing if it got stuck somewhere, stirred up dirt somewhere, or flowed out somewhere.

For good energy flow in your home, start by fixing the obvious problems.

If you can’t find any, trust your gut!

  • Is there something in your house that has been bothering you for a long time?
  • Have you been avoiding something?
  • Is there something that would only take you 10 minutes to fix, but you haven’t done it yet?

These things can keep you stuck because they hold that energy.

Fix them or get rid of them, and you’ll see how the energy changes very quickly!

That’s because you got rid of the Chi that was stuck. And that’s why feng shui is so great!


There are various stones that help you to enhance your life and also attract money. These stones you can wear as a ring, bracelet, or any other form. For more information, you can see the blogs below.


Pyrite Crystal:

Sunstone Crystal:

Rose Quartz:

Citrine Crystal:





AMETHYST Bracelet 8mm Beads (standard size):


Black Tourmaline pendant:

Tourmaline Tower:


Selenite Crystal pendant:

Bracelet (standard size) of Selenite:


Bracelet of Rose Quartz:-…mm-standard-size/

Heart Shape Rose Quartz:-

Ducks of Rose Quartz:-


Tumbles of Citrine Crystal :-

Citrine Crystal Tree:-

Citrine Bracelet (Standard Size):-




You can also buy from Instagram:

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